Mental Health of Children

Date: 28th November 2024

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Total Attendees: 45-50

Resource Person: Ms. Roshni Mehta (Clinical Psychologist, Fortis Healthcare)


As part of our collaborative initiative on mental well-being of children, Salwan Public School, Gurugram, and Salwan Junior School, Naraina Vihar, jointly organized an online workshop on “Mental Health of Students” for parents of SJS Naraina Vihar. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about mental health conditions, provide tips on fostering resilience and confidence in our children.

Ms. Roshni Mehta, Clinical Psychologist, Fortis Healthcare, presented alarming statistics on mental health concerns, highlighting the need for awareness and support. She discussed signs and symptoms of distress, mental illnesses, and treatment approaches. Ms. Mehta emphasized the importance of mental wellness for children’s success and provided valuable tips for parents.

The interactive presentation and Q&A session engaged attendees, who actively participated and benefited from the discussion. Key takeaways included:

– Avoid comparing children

– Encourage different perspectives

– Prepare children for transitions

– Digital detox for parents to improve mental health

– Motivate kids to have less screen time


We appreciate Ms. Mehta’s expertise and thank our attendees for their participation. This initiative reinforces our commitment to promoting mental well-being and supporting our students’ overall development as part of our collaborative initiative on mental well-being of children.



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