Joyful Farewell: A Fun-Filled Last Day Before Summer Vacation for Classes 1-5

On May 15, 2024, the last school day before summer vacation for classes 1-5 was filled with joy and excitement. The day featured a variety of activities tailored to each class. Class 1 had a thrilling time balancing balls on a parachute, while Class 2 engaged in a friendly competition with an array of board games. Class 3 students immersed themselves in puzzles and coloring, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. Classes 4 and 5 enjoyed an exhilarating game of tambola using a picker wheel, with enthusiastic cheers accompanying each number called.

The students eagerly anticipated the festivities, including a lively dance party where they showcased their best moves. Following the dance, an ice cream party added to the delight, with everyone enjoying their favorite flavors.

The fun-filled day was a memorable experience, leaving the children excited and happy, ready to enjoy their summer break.

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