Messages From Desk

Chairman's Message

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”- Albert Einstein

Dear Parent,

Greetings from Salwan!

An institution, par excellence, Salwan Junior School, was established in 1993 on the profound experiences of visionary Pt. Girdhari Lal Salwan. Striding ahead on the philosophy of “EDUCATION FOR ALL”, the school promises to provide students with holistic education where learning is student centered, differentiated and inquiry driven.
As a school, we reinforce the view that the scope of education does not only limit itself to the intellectual development and growth of a child, but it also engulfs the core values which builds the moral character and personality of a child. Character development is our core strength and we imbibe the same in our children.

Hoping to have a healthy and happy interaction for a successful academic year with all our stakeholders.

Shri Michael Dias

Director's Message

We stand at the threshold of changing global patterns and perspectives where every new day dawns with new challenges. Our strong academic thrust is supplemented with providing direction and guidance to young learners to understand the changing social values, norms and societal pressures, so that they may make informed decisions. Our endeavour is to nurture moral and intellectual leaders, individuals with dignity, integrity and compassion who want to make a positive difference in the world.

Shri J N Chopra

Headmistress Message

We at SJS are a team of professionals to nurture and take care of your wards. All of us know the institutions are just a means to success, but what makes them different are the methodologies adopted to make children better citizens.

The children here are provided not only the good education but also raised to be better seniors. This is done through the abled experts and educators. The dedicated team here are passionate who give children the utmost care and attention they deserve, no matter how challenging this task might be at times.

To serve our students, we commit to providing quality education; a safe, nurturing, happy and stimulating environment; a good balance between a rigorous curriculum, rich school life and extra-curricular activities that help children love school and provide them with valuable life lessons. We also strongly believe in the importance of helping our students increase their knowledge of their mother tongue and culture to make the best of their life experience of our culturally rich country.

Our faith in teachers and staff have made them indispensable to the success, thus keeping students happy and obedient. We trust the professional educators to make the right decisions to your wards needs and are committed to supporting them in all ways.

Empowered Parents are important pillars of success of the child and integral to growth of the school. We believe that parents’ involvement in multifarious notified activities and their support to school’s mission will certainly ensure reach to child to zenith

Smt. Sonia Wadhwa