The Identity of a Salwanian
“Once a Salwanian, always a Salwanian!”
Code of Conduct
“Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.”
With this belief, a set of guidelines in the form of rules and regulations are framed for the students, which are followed by them religiously and adopted as their way of life. These guidelines act as the refining fires helping the students to emerge as confident, promising and polished individuals.
- Use of unparliamentary language, violence of any form is not allowed on school campus. Any student found in the acts of indiscipline will be liable to a disciplinary action.
- Students will not deface or damage school property. Any student found mishandling or damaging school property will be liable to fine and a disciplinary action against him/her.
- Students must observe cleanliness in school and respect school property. They must ensure that no scribbling or graffiti is done anywhere in the school. They should not litter in (or outside) the school premises.
- Students are expected to have respect for their peers and be sensitive to differences among themselves due to physical, cultural and economic considerations.
- Students are expected to be environment friendly.
- Students are expected to have strict adherence to school timings. Students will not be permitted to enter the school after commencement of school time.
- Students must report to class on time after break or activity periods.
- Students should be in the proper uniform as prescribed. Proper length of skirts and shorts must be adhered to.
- Students should wear an ID card with complete student details and should carry a school almanac everyday.
- Students must have a minimum attendance of 75% during the academic year in order to take the school examinations.
- In case of missing school, a leave application must be presented to the school duly signed by the parents/guardian.
- No student is allowed to carry mobile phones or any other electronic gadget to the school. If the student is found in possession of any such thing, it will be confiscated.
- Students should carry textbooks/ notebooks as per the time table.
- Students are prohibited from bringing crackers or powder colours to school. Bursting crackers or playing with colours will lead to disciplinary action.
- Students to maintain the books, notebooks, files etc. regularly and take utmost care of these throughout the year.
- Students must converse in English during school hours. A conducive environment may also be provided at home to improve their conversation skills.
- Parent Identity Card is provided to all parents by the school. The parents must carry it with them whenever they visit the school.
- On birthday’s the student may plant a sapling in the school garden or a book as a gift to the class library. Only sweets are allowed to be distributed for birthday celebrations.