At Salwan, the endeavour is to provide an inclusive and an enabling environment to all children with varied needs. We firmly believe that each and every child has the ability to learn and maximize his/her potential through adequate learning opportunities, effective teaching and appropriate resources.
“Knowledge becomes power only when we put it into some use.”
The Math Quiz, held among the students of classes 3, 4, and 5, was an engaging and competitive event with enthusiastic participation from students was held on Monday, 11th December 2023. Organized into four rounds, each involving four teams of four students, the quiz showcased the students’ mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills.
After an intense competition, the winners of the Math Quiz were announced: Class III A, IV A and V A. The Math Quiz proved to be a successful event, fostering a love for mathematics and promoting friendly competition among the students. The combination of traditional and innovative rounds ensured a well-rounded assessment of the participants’ mathematical prowess.