To salute the indomitable spirit, exceptional gallantry and supreme sacrifices of the brave sons of our motherland, Salwan Education Trust celebrates Samman Diwas every year and invite dignitaries from armed forces and parent community to participate in this extravagant endeavour. This year, the 18th Samman Diwas was celebrated at Salwan Public School, Rajendra Nagar on Tuesday,13th December, 2022.
The event began with a wreath laying ceremony by the Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Channira Bansi Ponnappa, AVSM, VSM, Adjutant General of the Indian Army. The Guest of Honour Mr. Himanshu Gupta IAS, Director of Education, Directorate of Education, the Government of NCT of Delhi also kindly graced the occasion at the venue.
The spirit of patriotism kindled by Samman Diwas was further set ablaze by organizing the 26th Blood Donation Camp for the Armed forces. The camp was organized in association with the Armed Forces Transfusion Centre. The staff, parents and other members of the Salwan fraternity expressed their gratitude towards the Bravehearts, by donating blood for them. Lt Gen Ashok Kumar Jindal, AVSM, YSM, Commandant, Army Hospital (Research & Referral) inaugurated the camp. Colonel S. Venkatesan, Commanding Officer, Armed Forces Transfusion Centre also graced the occasion as a distinguished guest.
Students of Class V of Salwan Junior school attended the function with the staff in full vigour and respect in their hearts. It inspired them to infuse respect and honour for the paramilitary forces and inspired them to join the same, upon completing the education.