Salwan Junior School, Naraina Vihar, organised a full-filled adventurous educational excursion to
Aeroplanet, Dwarka for the students of classes I and II on December 28, 2022. The students were
accompanied by the primary teachers and MTS staff. It was a thrilling experience for the children to sit in
the real Airbus A-300. They also got exposure to the functioning of aircraft. They went inside the cockpit,
got hands-on experience with a flight, and learned how to cope with a sudden flight disorder. They were
informed about rescue missions and alternative ways to exit an aeroplane in the event of an emergency.
They were instructed by a pilot and an air hostess. Their excitement touched the sky as they undertook
activities like rope climbing, trampoline jumping, zip lining, and many more. They were shown a magic
show, which they thoroughly enjoyed. They also enjoyed the mouth watering treat provided by the
authorities and later danced to the tune of Bollywood songs. The tiny tots returned with eyes full of
dreams of becoming a pilot, aeroplane engineer, or airline member.