Visit to Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)


An educational trip to IARI was organized for the students of Classes IV & V on 20th October 2022. The students were taken to see the crop fields and agronomic practices pertaining to different Kharif season crops like cereals and legumes.

The trip to IARI began with the visit to Integrated Farming system module. It consisted of fishery, duckery, poultry and apiary along with the fruit trees, different types of vegetables, and cereal crops. The scientists explained the students about the importance and benefits of integrated farming in making the farmers self-reliant. Students were apprised about the fact that the farmers in India are being encouraged to adopt the Integrated Farming System module so that they can earn their livelihood by selling milk, poultry, and fish apart from selling grains in the market.

Students also witnessed Bio Gas Plant which provides methane gas for cooking and lighting their homes.

Thereafter, students visited “Research Farm” where they were shown Kharif season crops like pearl millet or bajra fields, the fields of maize and soya bean. Students were made aware that bajra has high nutritional value and is a reservoir of calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphate and is extremely good for diabetic people.

Scientists explained that Lactose-intolerant people can be fed soybean milk and other products like tofu to fulfil their protein requirements. Students were shown the male and female parts of the maize plant and how pollination occurs in it. Students were also taught to recognize the difference between the parent plant and the Hybrid variety produced by IARI.

In the end, students visited field where a bio-fortified enriched crop of corn is grown. They were taught that corn is a hybrid grown Science and Technology indigenously and is rich in Vitamin A and Protein.

Overall, it was a great learning and inspirational experience for our students.


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