Events Only

On the 12th of April 2024, our school embraced the festive spirit of Baisakhi with exuberance and joy. Baisakhi, synonymous with Vaisakhi, is a lively 
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On the 12th of April 2024, the school foyer buzzed with excitement as Class 4 orchestrated a vibrant celebration featuring the Baisakhi Special Assembly and 
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“Embarking on the path of education is a journey of endless possibilities.” On 1st April ’24, Salwan Junior School hosted a welcoming assembly to greet 
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Salwan Junior School in Naraina bid farewell to its Class V students on March 23, 2024, marking the end of their primary school journey and 
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“Success stems from dedicated pursuit of objectives.” -Joseph Barbara This sentiment resonated during Salwan Junior School’s recent celebration of Achievers Day, where students not only 
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  On the significant occasion of the Orientation Day for Nursery and KG Parents, we were delighted to witness the enlightenment of knowledge as our 
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On the esteemed occasion of Graduation Day, the kindergarten was filled with the brightness of its young achievers, dressed in gowns and caps. This significant 
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“As the fields are adorned with golden hues and flowers awaken from their slumber, let us wholeheartedly embrace the enchanting beauty of nature on the 
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“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” Robert Urich Renowned author Shri Amar Chandel, known for his self-help books such as “Stress to Serenity” and 
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“Nurturing Tomorrow’s Innovators: Cultivating Creativity and Cooperation” The AI Fest, hosted on February 3rd, 2024, at Salwan Public School in Gurugram, brought together schools from 
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